Diseases treated
Diseases treated
Breast cancer
It is the most common tumor in women worldwide. And the leading cause of cancer death in women. This terrible disease can be prevented or detected in the early stages with self-examination and mammography. The diagnosis requires a biopsy, which can be with minimally invasive techniques.
Colon and rectal cancer
Overall it is the 3rd most common cancer, there has been an increase in cases in recent years. Risk factors are consumption of red or processed meat, sausages, tobacco, alcohol, obesity, diabetes, poor fruit and vegetable intake, poor physical activity, inflammatory bowel diseases. The most common symptom is rectal bleeding, weight loss, and intestinal obstruction, as well as anemia. Blood tests and colonoscopy are necessary to reach a diagnosis. Performing colonoscopy from the age of 50 is a method to prevent or detect at an early stage, go to the experts. The treatment of choice is surgery with minimally invasive techniques.
Gastric cancer
It is a more frequent tumor in men, it is the 2nd most frequent gastrointestinal tumor. The study of choice or gold standard is endoscopy with full biopsy, computerized axial tomography. The most effective treatment is surgery if there is no distant disease or unresectability, aided by chemotherapy or radiation.
Thyroid cancer
It is the most common endocrine gland tumor. In women in Mexico it is the second cancer with the highest incidence. Diagnosis is made with thyroid ultrasound and baaf (fine needle aspiration biopsy). A minimally invasive biopsy. Surgery can be performed with ultrasonic, bipolar and neuronavigation energy. And the prognosis is excellent. It is one of the most curable tumors.
Pancreatic cancer
Undoubtedly one of the most aggressive tumors, and that is detected in advanced stages. The average age is 70 years. The symptoms are weight loss, malnutrition, yellow tint of skin and mucous membranes, anorexia, abdominal pain, back pain. There are tumor markers in the blood that are elevated and a multislice CT is necessary to reach the probable diagnosis. Several areas of oncology are involved in the treatment.
Esophagus cancer
This tumor is more common in Asia, but it significantly affects our country. Smoking, alcoholism, gastroesophageal reflux disease are the main risk factors. The most common symptom is difficulty passing food and liquids. The diagnosis is made with an endoscopy. treatment is multidisciplinary.
Lung cancer
It is the most common tumor in men and 3rd in women. It is the leading cause of death from cancer. The average age of presentation is 70 years and smoking or exposure to wood smoke is the main risk factor. There are therapies and medications to help you quit smoking. Treatment is multidisciplinary, with targeted therapies, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The most common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, coughing up blood, bone pain.
Skin cancer
There are 3 types. The most common is basal cell. It is totally treatable and curable. They originate from unprotected sun exposure. They appear on the face, arms, neckline area, back. Prevention with minimum sunscreen with 50 SPF 3 or 4 times a day is important. Treatment can be with surgery, removing or removing the affected area.
Ovarian cancer
In Mexico it is the 5th most common tumor. It is detected in advanced stages, if you have a family history, a genetic study can be done to detect mutations. Symptoms are vague, such as abdominal pain, discomfort when urinating, bloating, weight loss. There is minimally invasive and fertility-preserving surgery.
Endometrial or uterine body cancer
It is the most common gynecological tumor in developed countries. In Mexico it is the 4th most common cancer in women. It is generally curable. The most common symptom is post-menopausal vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge. A biopsy and imaging studies are performed to reach the diagnosis and treatment is with surgery and sometimes radiation therapy, brachytherapy and / or chemotherapy.
Cancer of the cervix or cervix
In Mexico it continues to be one of the main causes of death. The most common age of presentation is 35 to 54 years. The human papilloma virus is responsible for this disease, do not forget to perform the papanicolaou to detect changes in the cervix. And there is a vaccine against HPV that can prevent it.